It is a carnivorous plant of about the bigness of a large sage-brush such as dots our western plains. The repulsive calot tree was, too, much in evidence.

only the thoat can cover more territory in a single day. The calot is endowed with extraordinary strength and stamina. Described as "pop-eyed" meaning protruding eyes. The head bears a slight resemblance to a frog, except that the jaws are equipped with three rows of long, sharp tusks. About the size of a Shetland pony, omnivorous, the calot has ten short legs. berries indicated as a food source (Synthetic) birds gay plumed and voiceless mentioned as a food source (Synthetic) Malagors are giant birds (see malagor) feathers are used as adornment by males of red and green races of Barsoom. bat undescribed in Giant, it is obviously meant to be similar to the bats of earth. Image at right a detail from an illustration by Michael Whelan. It has enormous protruding eyes of green. It's long lithe body is powerfully muscled, its enormous jaws are equipped with several rows of long needle-like fangs, and its mouth reaches to a point far back of its tiny ears. (Ec: In Giant of Mars the banth is described as having eight legs in an editor's note.) It is almost hairless, having only a great, bristly mane about its thick neck. banth this ten-legged beast is the most ferocious carnivore which roams the low hills surrounding the dead seas of Mars. (See Orluk below) arbok tree reptile, vicious creature of some size, undescribed in Giant of Mars with exception of clawed, fanged, heavy and large with horny skin. Apt fur is generally worn by northern warriors. The animal is domesticated by the Yellow men. Curiously the creature goes without sleep for periods of up to a month, then sleeps for a whole day before beginning anew the hunt for food in the harsh north. Each ocelli is equipped with its own lid and the apt can, at will, close as many of the facets as desired. Two huge eyes, each composed of hundreds of ocelli, are oval patches running downward from the center of the cranium to below the horns on either side of the head. Its head and mouth are like that of the hippopotamus with two large, down-curving horns extending forward from the bottom jaw. The remaining two limbs grow forward from the shoulder on either side of the powerful long neck and terminate in white, hairless hands which it uses to capture and hold its prey. apt A huge white furred creature with six limbs, four of which are short and heavy to carry it through snow and ice a denizen of the Barsoomian north pole. The white apes are found everywhere on Barsoom, but frequent the dead cities which provide them with shelter and hunting. The head of the savage creature is like that of the African gorilla and a shock of thick, stiff-bristled hair runs from the back of the skull and neck to the upper shoulders. apes The white apes of Barsoom are very much similar in appearance and build as the green martians, having six limbs and of tremendous size. There is at least one mystery creature, the only mammal, which is never described. Another possibility is that Burroughs simply did not want to confuse the readers. Burroughs, in fact, often called Martian creatures by earthly names such as lion, wasp, lizard, though that might be simply because the principal narrator of these tales, John Carter, is from planet Earth and thus more comfortable with those terms.
In most regards the plants and animals have terrestrial corollaries. Where a prior, more detailed description has already been made a footnote will direct you to that passage. In this section we examine the many varieties of plant and animal life created by ERB for his Barsoomian Saga.

No world is complete without flora and fauna.